Let the following be known:

  1. This is all AE’s fault
  2. This drink is horrible. Do not attempt at home.
  3. It looks worse in person. It tastes much worse.

Ok, now that we have the warnings out of the way, allow me to present:


  • 2 oz white rum
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz amaretto
  • 1/2 oz triple sec
  • 1/2 tsp grenadine
  • slice of lime

Combine all liquid ingredients and shake over ice. Pour into old-fashioned glass and garnish with lime slice.

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Arrr! It do be Talk Like a Pirate Day and as such the cats are wearing eye-patches and I be swillin’ rum. To prepare this fine cocktail you’ll be needing to first pirate a fine merchant vessel, preferably one with rum, sugar cane and spices.

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