Arrr! It do be Talk Like a Pirate Day and as such the cats are wearing eye-patches and I be swillin’ rum. To prepare this fine cocktail you’ll be needing to first pirate a fine merchant vessel, preferably one with rum, sugar cane and spices.
Ok, it’s nowhere near as cool as the rhyming version, but here is the recipe for Mulled Wine I’ve been tinkering with:
Mulled Wine
8 cups (about 2.5 bottles) red wine (you want something decent, fruity and cheap. Charles Shaw Cabernet Sauvignon is what I’m going to try next)
1 cup of brandy (I use Asbach Uralt)
1/2 cup sugar (this should probably be brown sugar, but I haven’t tried that, yet)
3 cinnamon sticks
8 whole cloves
1 orange (sliced)
1/2 lemon (sliced)
dash of allspice
1/2 tsp or so of freshly ground nutmeg
Pour it all together and try to warm it. This is where I’m still having some difficulty, as you need to get it as hot as possible without boiling the alcohol off (look for white steam). On an electric stove (suckage) it’s a click or so above low. I let all this heat up for about an hour before serving.
It should be noted that this is very tasty, especially on a cold fall evening. See that cup of brandy? It’s why everyone is tipsy.