11. September 2006 · Comments Off on Another day, another Myers-Briggs test · Categories: Me, Me, Me, Me

Ok, so I took the Myers-Briggs test as part of my fancy MBA program. I’ve taken another version of this recently, but this time I came out as:


Introverted Thinking with Intuition

Now, we did some excercises with a Myer’s-Briggs representative, and she implied that the score in class was probably a little more representative than the online test. So perhaps I’m ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving). The test I took a couple of months ago came out ISJF, although it was slightly different.

Apparently you move more towards the middle of these things as you age, and given my old man tendancies perhaps that’s why I scored close to the middle on most. Except Introversion. You will all be shocked to know that I do, in fact, “tend to relate easily to [my] inner world of ideas and impressions” as opposed to “relat[ing] easily to the outer world of people and things.”

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