23. January 2006 · Comments Off on Notes from “businessThink” · Categories: Business, Me, Me, Me, Me

It seems that now is the season of business books, and I just recently finished “businessThink”. This was pretty much introducing and exploring a different method of finding solutions for business. Some good stuff here.

Steps are:

  1. Check Ego at the door
  2. Create curiosity
  3. Move off the solution
  4. Gather evidence (soft and hard)
  5. Measure Impact ($ of solving and not solving. Is this a could or a should?)
  6. Explore the ripples (other departments effected)
  7. Watch out for Yellow lights (why hasn’t this been done already?)
  8. Find the Cause (ask Why)

5 questions to convert hard evidence into impact:

  1. How do you measure it?
  2. What is it now?
  3. What would you like it to be?
  4. What’s the value of the difference?
  5. What’s the value of the difference over time (months, years, the
    appropriate management horizon)?

“The Holy Grid” (graph out how a decision is going to be made (committees,
| Steps | Decision | When | Who | How |

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